Welcome Lena!


Our New Grandpup!

Welcome Lena Lu, the latest addition to our team. We are so happy to have her join our family. She’s only been with us two weeks as I write this, but to me it feels like she’s always been here. Our son, Nick, may disagree. But he has to put up with her and Klaus all the time. Grandpa gets to go spoil them and leave.

Where Klaus and Rocket missed, she and Klaus hit it off right from the start! Klaus had no choice with her nipping at his hocks to pester him into playing! It’s a joy to watch the two of them together, like it’s always been that way.

She’s part German Shepherd, part Malamute, and not even a year old yet! We’re as lucky to have her as we are happy.

How We Found Her

We didn’t find her, our dog sitter did. She came to us as an abandoned stray, found wandering along the road, rescued by our dog sitter. The sitter related her contact with the owner, who said just keep her. In fact, the previous owner offered to pay the sitter to make that happen! Sounds more like she escaped, but we’ll never know for sure.

The sitter knew Nick was looking for a companion for Klaus ever since we got Rocket and it didn’t work out. So when her husband had misgivings about keeping her, she asked Nick if he could foster her until a new home was found. He welcomed her into his home, and the rest is history.

She’s gentle, loving, and extraordinarily intelligent. It’s hard to believe she was unwanted and abandoned. Makes me wonder about folks sometimes.

Forgetting The Past

Her name was Luna, but she doesn’t answer to her name, and we don’t know what to think about that. It’s her past, but she probably didn’t get much attention, if any. The matted hair behind her ears and elsewhere was a good indication of her past situation. After a trip to the groomer, she’s now a pampered pup!

Nick renamed her Lena. We tacked on the Lu, not as a reminder of her past, but what better to go with Klausie Boo than Lena Lu? She just soaks up the affection and gives it right back. It’s a shame she wasn’t wanted before, but she’s home now!